The Flea Production Commission

The Flea will be seeking proposals for its 2027 season.

We are looking for work that asks genuine and challenging questions and resists status quo thinking/binaries/moralizing; work that invites us into deep consideration while embracing humor or absurdity; odd, strange work that inspires awe and unique ways of seeing and being.

One exciting proposal will be selected for The Flea’s 2027 season and its lead artist will be awarded a $6,000 development fee as well as a $6,000 production fee.

The final project will be chosen by The Flea’s artistic staff with input and buy-in from the full team. The chosen project will be invited to do a development workshop with the goal of a 2027 production at The Flea.

Submissions are now closed. Please look here in the Fall of 2025 to apply.

Submission Components

  • Please provide an artist statement or project description that addresses the following:

    • What is the project, its form, and its core audience? (Note: a core audience does not have to be a discreet community.)

    • What are the questions at the core of this project?

    • What is your approach to creating this work? How will you collaborate with others to realize the work?

  • Please provide a work sample that indicates the full scope/context of the project. This is your space to share as much about the project as you want you and can. That can look like:

    • a full script

    • an outline for performance

    • a complete score

    • a detailed proposal

    • names, titles and demographic(s) of any collaborators

    • any other kind of document that addresses the question

  • Feel free to provide one or more of the following:

    • Artist CV

    • Resume

    • Website

    • As our mission suggests, we are seeking experimental art that finds itself somewhere in the intersections of Black, brown, and queer identity and led by artists who identify with those intersections.

    • We believe in projects that cross/blend/subvert genres and disciplines.

    • We are looking for compelling art that requires virtuosity and that is participatory/active for audiences in some way.

    • This is a production residency; we are looking for projects ready to have a New York City premiere (don’t worry, it’s cool if your project had a two-night engagement at some other space).