
Why Support The Flea?

Because we have refounded ourselves from a predominately white institution with inequitable practices into an artistic company that strives to imbue our values into every action.

Because we are the only NYC theater that centers Black, brown, and queer artists.

Because we are one of the very few NYC theaters that boasts completely Black leadership.

Because in 2023, more than 50% of our audience identified as Black, Latinx, or AAPI.

Because we pay all our artists 43% above the union minimum.

Because we consistently commission and develop new work.

Because our staff is predominately people of color and woman-identifying.

Because we can’t do any of this without you.

How to Support The Flea

A tax-deductible recurring monthly gift to The Flea of any amount allows us to sustain great art and fabulous culture all year long.

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Donate whenever the spirits moves you to stay supporting programming by Black, brown, and queer artists in all the ways!

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Shoutout to our Supporters